Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Unit 8:Question Words And Question Tags

Dear madam asrina,
Welcome to my blog i have some question to ask u

  • When u come to singapore do u like it here?
  • Do u like our class?
  • Do you think that our class is good?
  • Do u like being a teacher is great?
  • Are u happy being a teacher?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

unit 8:(indian folktalesII)

Hi peoples.i got a story to share with u.My title of the singapore folktale is::The gorrila and the lion.Long ago the lion and the gorrila are brothers.They lived in a cave where there is lots of fruits and meat wich they gathered from the forest.One day the lion decided to go to the village to hunt people to but the gorrila did not agreed to it because it is wrong to do that,then the lion and the gorrila fought.They fought to they went to the village the lion decided to go get the humans first but the gorrila stopped the lion from doin so from then onwards the lion and the gorrila became enemys.