Sunday, June 22, 2008


personal responds 5:earthquakes

i think earthquakes are not good as the causes destruction.i think there will not be any earthquake in singapore because there is no earthquakes for years.i think scientist will detect the earthquake,they use a device to detect the earthquake.

reflection 5:mothers day

I think that mothers day is important because its to celebrate our mother for helping us.On that day i would make her a card or buy her a relationship with my mother is not very close because she and my father live in mother did not help me but when she visited me she studied with me.i think mothers are important to children because if mothers are the peoples who born us.

personalresponsev4:child safety belt in school buses

i dont take bus but i think that some childrens in the buses are naughty and some are not.i htin safety belt is important because it safe.